"The silhouette of the big tree of my native forest is none other than the right foot of my ancestor , a dancer and multi-instrumentalist ; who ate through his nostrils , inspirer of the Ethno Folk Music Group Matinumampimpa which means the night dance. Matinumampimpa highlights the soul of the rites and rythms of our gradfathers and ancestors . The instruments like : NGONGUIS and KWITIS , endlessly resonate deep Inside our souls and bodies. We grew up in MBONGUI ( place where Wise people gathered) by listening NGANAS ( proverbs) of various ancestral lineages which educated and showed us the road to follow in order to reach the wisdom "
Cited by : Edgar KOKO (Leader and Founder of the Group) Multi-instrumentalist from Congo Brazzaville
"The silhouette of the big tree of my native forest is none other than the right foot of my ancestor , a dancer and multi-instrumentalist ; who ate through his nostrils , inspirer of the Ethno Folk Music Group Matinumampimpa which means the night dance. Matinumampimpa highlights the soul of the rites and rythms of our gradfathers and ancestors . The instruments like : NGONGUIS and KWITIS , endlessly resonate deep Inside our souls and bodies. We grew up in MBONGUI ( place where Wise people gathered) by listening NGANAS ( proverbs) of various ancestral lineages which educated and showed us the road to follow in order to reach the wisdom "
Cited by : Edgar KOKO (Leader and Founder of the Group) Multi-instrumentalist from Congo Brazzaville
"The silhouette of the big tree of my native forest is none other than the right foot of my ancestor , a dancer and multi-instrumentalist ; who ate through his nostrils , inspirer of the Ethno Folk Music Group Matinumampimpa which means the night dance. Matinumampimpa highlights the soul of the rites and rythms of our gradfathers and ancestors . The instruments like : NGONGUIS and KWITIS , endlessly resonate deep Inside our souls and bodies. We grew up in MBONGUI ( place where Wise people gathered) by listening NGANAS ( proverbs) of various ancestral lineages which educated and showed us the road to follow in order to reach the wisdom "
Cited by : Edgar KOKO (Leader and Founder of the Group) Multi-instrumentalist from Congo Brazzaville